University of California has opened a new door for the Leukemia patients. Latest research implies to the discovery of an indictor through which leukemia can progress into a deadlier stage of the disease.
Currently no methods are available to detect the transformation of these cells into the blast stage. According to Catriona H.M. Jamieson, MD, PhD, this will make a considerable progress in treatment. The main advantage is that we can predict when a patient is moving from the chronic phase to the blast crisis stage. This will help the physicians to intervene before it is too late.
Dr. Jamieson currently serves as an assistant professor of medicine at the University of California - San Diego School of Medicine. Dr. Jamieson is also the Director for Stem Cell Research at the Moores UCSD Cancer Center.
How does it work?
The research provides an indicator of when Chronic Myeloid Leukemia is progressing. As a result an accurate prediction of the disease is possible.
The researchers were able to discover the effect of a molecular off switch known as Glycogen Synthase Kinase (GSK) 3 beta. When the GSK becomes faulty, it fails in its function to turn off beta catenin. Beta cantenin enables the development of pre-leukemia stem cells into leukemia stem cells. It also helps to and expands their numbers. This leads Chronic Myeloid Leukemia to a blast crisis stage.
This study defines the errant off switch GSK as the potential therapeutic target in treatment. As result, more effective and personalized therapies can be designed.
Brain Cancer Causes are currently unknown to human knowledge. Even the use of cell phones or a head injury may lead to Brain Cancer. In United States, 1 among 5000 is believed to have Brain cancer.
Brain Cancer Causes – Reasons believed to lead are
1. Use of Cell phones
This is yet to be proved. However there are implications that suggest lesser exposure to cell phone radiation. Restricted use of cell phones is recommended.
2. Cancer in other parts of the body
They are called Metastatic Brain Cancer. About 25% of Cancer in other parts of the body spread to Brain.
3. Head injuries
Head injuries may lead to Brain cancer.
4. Exposure to Certain Chemicals
• Acrylonitrile
Exposure to Acrylonitrile may lead to Brain cancer. Employees of Plastic and textile industries are at risk.
• Radiation
Those who are exposed to nuclear radiation are at risk.
• Vinyl Chloride
Exposure to Vinyl Chloride may lead to Brain cancer.
• Formaldehyde
Pathologists and Embalmers who are exposed to formaldehyde may face the risk of Brain cancer.
5. Race
Chances of Brain Cancer are high in White than other races.
6. Gender
Men are at higher risk than women.
7. Age
People of older age are at higher risk. Age group 70 or above have higher risk.
8. Genetic irregularities
People who have a family history of Gliomas are at higher risk. Recent studies imply Genetic irregularities play an important role in Cancer formation.
Do you know?
The creator of Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney is one of the famous victims of Lung Cancer. He holds the world record for most Oscar nominations (48).
People Died of Cancer – Statistics
In United States alone, during the period 2000-2008, 5 million (5,081,710) people fell victim to cancer.
It is really a sad thing to hear. Every day, new methods are introduced in the field of cancer treatment. We can hope for a future in which cancer is completely curable.
About 170,000 people die every year due to tobacco consumption. Cancer due to Smoking and alcohol can be prevented completely.
Some other causes that account to cancer deaths are genetic irregularities, exposure to certain chemicals and radiation. Physical inactivity and nutrition also contribute to cancer deaths.
People Died of Cancer – Famous Personalities
George Harrison of The Beatles died of throat cancer. His cancer prompted his emotional meeting with Paul McCartney, in which they sorted out their decades of ill feelings.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, the former first lady to John F Kennedy died of Lymphoma.
Mrs. Richard Nixon, wife of America’s 36th President, died of lung cancer.
Linda McCartney, wife of Paul McCartney of The Beatles, died of cancer.
Hubert H. Humphrey, the 38th Vice President of the United States died of bladder cancer.
Peter Jennings, Senior editor of ABC's "World News Tonight”, died of lung cancer.
Sammy Davis Jr., the singer, died of throat cancer.
Yul Brenner, the actor, died of lung cancer.
There is nothing more painful than to find out someone we love is diagnosed with Cancer. The first question that comes to our mind is that how long we can see him.
Cancer life expectancy – Living Examples
There are different forms of cancer. All of them are not life threatening. Some types of Cancer are not curable. But we can still buy time between 1 to 3 years. There are many examples of patients who survived 5 years or more.
The 57-year-old Janet Gaffney from Maryland is a Cancer survivor. Gaffney’s was diagnosed of Breast cancer in March 2002. Gaffney had surgery to remove cancer cells from her breast. She now leads a normal life of a cooking teacher.
Mrs. Cathieg is known survivor for 10 years. Her secret to success was to adhere to stress relief techniques (like meditation) and making her body Alkaline. It is a popular belief that cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment. All you have to do is include some items in your diet.
Mrs. Catheig followed a vegetarian diet. She stopped consuming all refined foods, dairy, sugar and sweeteners. She took a lot of vegetable juices and consumed brown rice.
Cancer life expectancy – Top 4 Life Style Tips
1. Follow strict diet control.
2. Take regular Exercise – Both Physical and Mental.
3. Include nutritious food in your diet. Consult a dietician.
4. Stop smoking.
Clinical trials are known to give better results than existing treatments.
Cancer life expectancy will be between 1 to 3 years. With proper care and treatment, the patients are known to have lived for 5 years or more.
A strict control over smoking, alcoholic consumption, stress level and diet should be practiced for higher life expectancy.
According to Official sources, 5 year survival rate for Breast cancer is 26.7%.
Cancer life expectancy – Role of Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are experimental treatments which have shown a considerable improvement on its test on animals.
Clinical trials are applied to human beings only if scientists feel that it can give a better result. Clinical trials are conducted by research institutes. They are held under the direct supervision of one or more experts in the field on Oncology.
Cancer life expectancy – Other considerations
• Type or site of cancer
• Stage or spread of cancer
In case of Metastatic cancer, life expectancy is short. In Metastatic cancer, cancer originated in one part of the body spreads to other organs.
• Age
• Gender
• Race
• Body Mass Index (BMI). It is the ratio of height and weight. Patients are advised to take regular exercise under expert guidance.
• Smoking
Smoking is one of the prominent causes to cancer. Patients are strictly advised to give up smoking once cancer is diagnosed.
• Psychological health
• Medical Fitness of the patient
All patients are not eligible for clinical trials. They need to meet various medical fitness tests.
• Recurrence of Cancer
People Died of Cancer in US during the period 2000-2008 is estimated to be 5 million (5,081,710). Cancer is defined as the abnormal growth of cells. Uncontrolled spread of Cancer will result in death. Smoking and alcoholic consumption are the main factors leading to cancer. According to official sources 170,000 cancer deaths estimated in 2008 are contributed by tobacco users. 565,650 deaths are estimated in 2008 due to lack of physical inactivity and nutrition.
People Died of Cancer - Classification
Data regarding people died of cancer is classified according to
• Year of occurrence
• Age
• Sex
• Race
• Type of cancer
• By site and state
According to Year of occurrence
2008 – 565,650
2007 – 599,650
2006 – 564,830
2005 – 570,280
2004 – 563,700
2003 – 556,500
2002 – 555,500
2001 – 553,400
2000 – 552,200
• During the period 1930 – 2004 no. of deaths (in men) due to Lung and Bronchus cancer has increased by 700 %. In women, this is 400%.
• In 2008 no. of death of men is estimated as 745,180. For women, it is 692,000
• In California, estimated death due to cancer in 2008 is 55,550. This is highest of all states.
• During 2000-2004, Cancer Death Rates for men in United States is estimated to be 238.7 (per 100,000). 162.2 (per 100,000) for women.
Percentage division of cases
• Of the deaths estimated in 2008, Lung and Bronchus cancer contributes 31% of deaths in men. In women it is 26%.
17th February
Help for Cancer Patients – Top 4 Resource Centers
Help for Cancer Patients is mostly considered as Financial Help. Apart from financial help, they give counseling, expert reference and Tips to maintain Physical and Psychological health of the patients. Even those with Health Insurance are advised to take assistance. They give more than financial assistance.
Top 4 resource centers are
# 1 Help for Cancer Patients – Cancer Care
Help for cancer patients are easily available from Cancer Care. They are well funded and give free services to Patients, Family and Health care professionals. Cancer care provides financial assistance for paying your bills. Their support functions include assistance in Pain medication, transportation, home care and child care.
(800) 813- 4673
# 2 Help for Cancer Patients - American Society of Clinical Oncology
Help for cancer patients are available through ASCO. ASCO helps you estimate the cost related to cancer care. ASCO also provides financial assistance through various resources and assistance in financial paper works. Clinical trails can also be accessed.
571-483-1780 or 888-651-3038
#3 Help for Cancer Patients – National Cancer Institute
Help for cancer patients are available through National Cancer Institute. A number of researchers are associated to the NCI’s funding. It is the number one agency to gather information about Clinical trials. NCI services are also available outside US.
# 4 Help for Cancer Patients - American Cancer Society
Help for cancer patients are available through American Cancer Society. ACS is internationally available. ACS has a huge funding for research.
Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma are often confused to be the same disease. Mesothelioma is a rare disease when compare to Lung cancer. According to Official sources the occurrence of Lung Cancer is 65 times more than Mesothelioma cases.
Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma – How are they different?
1. Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is considered as a diffuse malignancy. Mesothelioma affects lungs, heart and abdominal cavity. It is mainly caused due to the intake of asbestos particles. These particles come in contact with the Mesothelium cells. This will result in their abnormal growth. These cells outlive other cells causing the formation of tumors. Mesothelioma can spread to other parts of the body through or lymphatic system or blood stream. Surgical resection of Mesothelioma is difficult.
2. Lung Cancer
Mesothelioma normally starts in the Pleura, which is the outer lining of the lung. Lung cancer originates from the inner lung. Mesothelioma results in interlock tumors. They do not have clear boundaries. Lung cancer is characterized by individual tumors with clear boundaries. This makes it less dangerous than Mesothelioma. Complete removal of all visible malignant tissues is possible. In its advanced stages, lung cancer is as deadly as Mesothelioma. Smoking considered as a leading factor to Lung cancer. 9 out of 10 cases of Lung cancer is due to smoking.
3. Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma – Classification
Lung Cancer
• Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)
• Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
• Pleural Mesothelioma
• Peritoneal Mesothelioma
• Pericardial Mesothelioma
1. Breast cancer treatment - Need to know
Breast cancer is the uneven growth of breast cells (in both men and women) due to genetic abnormalities. Normally, breast cancer begins in the cells of the milk-producing glands, or the ducts, or the passages from the lobules to the nipple and in rare cases the stromal tissues. In its advanced stages, it spreads to lymph nodes under your arm, breast bone, chest wall and other parts of the body.
We can prevent breast cancer, if we do:
Regular exercise, Balanced diet, no smoking, no or controlled consumption of alcohol
2. Breast cancer treatment – Symptoms
Do you experience these in your breast?
1. Feel a thickening in the nipple or in the underarm area
2. Feel a tenderness in the nipple
3. Unusual change in skin( like reddish)
4. Fluid discharge from nipple
5. Change in size or shape
6. Nipple turned inward
How to confirm?
The following tests are available
1. Ultrasound Device
2. Magnetic resonance imaging
3. Diagnostic Mammogram( X-ray)
4. Biopsy
5. Hormone receptor test
6. HER2 test
3. Breast cancer treatment – Treatment options
You can choose from the following
Conventional Methods:
1. Radiation Therapy
2. Chemotherapy
3. Hormone Therapy
4. Biological Therapy
5. Surgery
They are further classified as
1. Local therapy: This is (Surgery & Radiation) used to treat cancer in specific areas.
2. Systemic therapy: Chemotherapy hormone therapy, and biological therapy
controls cancer throughout the body.
1. Prostate cancer treatment - Need to know
Prostate cancer is caused by the uneven growth of cells in the tissues of prostate gland. Prostate gland is a part of male reproduction system and plays a vital role in production of semen. It is mostly seen in men of older age. Prostate cancer will lead to difficulties in urination and sexual procedures. Prostate cancer can spread through tissues, lymph system and blood. In its advanced stages, prostate cancer can spread to bladder, rectum, bones, liver and lungs. In Prostate cancer, there is a chance of recurrence. ie, it can come back.
Chances of recovery:
Depend mainly on the spread of Cancer (partial or complete) & Age and health of the patient.
2. Prostate cancer treatment - Symptoms
Do you experience these problems?
1. Interrupted or weak urination
2. Frequent urination
3. Painful urination
4. Presence of blood in urine or semen
5. Consistent pain in pelvis, hips or back
6. Painful ejaculation.
How to confirm?
The following tests are available
1. Digital rectal exam (DRE)
2. Transrectal ultrasound test
3. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
4. Biopsy – Transrectal Biopsy or Transperineal Biopsy
3. Prostate cancer treatment – Treatment options
You can choose from the following:
Conventional Methods:
1. Watchful waiting
2. Radiation therapy
3. Hormone therapy
4. Surgery - Pelvic lymphadenectomy, Radical prostatectomy, Transurethral resection of the prostate
Latest (Still Testing):
1. High-intensity focused ultrasound
2. Cryosurgery
3. Chemotherapy
4. Biologic therapy
The recommended routine is to check your skin on a regular basis to see if there are any strange marks. Detection of skin cancer in the early stages is important for proper treatment and curing this disorder.
You’re probably asking yourself, how do I know if I have skin cancer? Skin imperfections like freckles and moles as well as birth marks are very common among many people.
Do I Have Skin Cancer? - Skin Cancer Prognosis:
• If you notice any strange lumps on your skin this could mean you need to seek the advice of a physician.
Go to the doctor immediately.
• Skin discolorations and large rashes may be a sign that there is a problem.
Have the doctor test for skin cancer and check the afflicted area.
• If you find a new wound that is open and does not heal properly or does not heal at all, this could be a sign of trouble.
Go to the doctor immediately to find what the problem is. This may be a symptom of skin cancer.
• Many people have moles on their skin.
If the mole changes color or increases in size this may be a sign of trouble brewing.
There are many tips to prevent skin cancer from occurring. Preventative measures are important so you do not have to ask yourself: “Do I have skin cancer?”
Prevent Skin Cancer:
• Do not stay outdoors in the sun for long periods of time.
• Regularly check your skin. Professional medical practitioners recommend
monthly but a higher frequency may be better for your skin’s well being.
• If you find a strange appearance on your skin, immediately contact a medical professional. Never wait as this may put your well being at risk.
All symptoms do not imply you have skin cancer but with this information you will know what to look for and what to avoid.
There are many symptoms of cancer but having them does not mean you suffer from this devastating disease.
Early Symptoms Of Cancer
What are some of the early cancer symptoms?
• Weight loss for an unknown reason could be an early sign of cancer. Keep in mind this could happen for many reasons and other illnesses.
• Tiredness may also be the first symptom of cancer. Persistent fatigue that still exists even after resting is a sign that a problem exists.
• Pain in a particular part of the body that is persistent could be a sign of cancer or a tumor.
• Skin discolorations are also common among cancer patients. The skin may be dark and look like it is bruised. It could become jaundiced (yellow skin) or red and itchy.
• A fever for no apparent reason may also be present in the beginning stages of cancer and temperatures could be higher and fever persistent as time progresses and the disease spreads.
• Depending on the type of cancer, like breast cancer, a lump may be detected. This may be tested for the disease by means of biopsy.
Sores on the skin that do not go away quickly could also be one of early symptoms of cancer that may mean skin cancer.
The first symptoms of the disease will vary depending on the type of cancer that is suffered from. Be sure to have any symptoms checked by a physician as soon as you notice them. Waiting could prove to be a costly error.
Other symptoms may include constipation and diarrhea. These symptoms could indicate colon problem, more specifically, colon cancer. Pain while urinating or passing stool is another one of many possible symptoms of the terrible disease.
For your own sake, do not assume that you have this disease if you experience the early symptoms of cancer. Many of the symptoms indicate other illnesses as well. Always see a professional medical expert and let him or her decide what the problem is.
How can cancer cause weight loss?
Cancer is a serious disease that can strike anyone at any time. There are many things that can happen as cancer cells grow and change in a human body. Sometimes cancer and weight loss occur together. When cancer affects a person’s system it can cause weight loss as well as a dislike for eating, sweating, and a feeling of tiredness. Cancer and weight loss can occur together when the out-of-control growth of cells change the way your body absorbs the things you eat.
A person can lose their fat and muscle tissue. Loss of fat and muscle can be dangerous, so it is important to seek medical attention if you are losing weight when you are not trying. Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of cancer, so it is important to get a check up from your doctor if something like this is happening to you.
Cancer treatment and weight loss
Once cancer has been found, it may be necessary to have chemical treatments that keep the diseased cells from spreading. Cancer treatment can also cause weight loss for many reasons. Sometimes the drugs make the person vomit or make them feel unable to eat.
Other times a person may not be able to digest large meals because the drugs make it impossible. If you are having a drug treatment, it is important to monitor your cancer and weight loss in order to stay safe. You can work with your doctor to create a plan that will help you keep a healthy weight.
You’ve likely read a lot about various cancer information and cancer research materials online. But in this article I would like to clarify what anemia and leukemia are and if they may be connected with each other.
Can anemia affect leukemia?
In order to answer this question we must first understand a few basic things. “Anemia” and “leukemia” may sound alike, but they are not the same thing.
What is Anemia?
• “Anemia” is a general term for a condition where a person’s blood has lost the ability to carry oxygen. Since oxygen is so important to the human body, a person with anemia can become very ill.
What is Leukemia?
• “Leukemia” is one of four specific cancerous diseases where malformed blood cells are produced by a person’s own body. Malformed cells take the place of the healthy cells causing a variety of problems.
Anemia and leukemia are associated because a person suffering from this disease has their healthy blood cells destroyed. Anemia can be one of the symptoms of leukemia because eventually, when the healthy cells are lessened, the body loses its ability to transport the necessary oxygen and removed accumulated waste. This is a form of anemia because the body is no longer able to use the circulatory system to meet its needs.
Anemia can occur in a variety of other ways that do not include the presence of cancer. Bleeding heavily from a wound can cause a person to be anemic. Lack of iron in the diet can also cause anemia.
Can anemia affect leukemia? Yes, it can.
The loss of nutrients and build-up of accumulated waste will eventually destroy parts of the body. This creates a larger and more complex problem for those already combating a cancerous disease.