05 March

Cancer is one of the most vicious diseases known to man kind. According to National Cancer Institute, there were 5 million deaths during the period 2000-2008.

Cancer is not always curable. Even if we were able to cure, it can come back in the same organ or sometimes another. Scientist all over the world suggests taking preventive methods. Those with family history of cancer are considered to be at risk of cancer.

A useful health tip

A recent study by National Institutes of Health suggests that the use of an herbal supplement made of Red clover minimizes the risk of Prostate cancer.

Surgery, hormone therapy and radiation therapy are the conventional methods used in Prostate cancer treatment. These treatments are known to have side effects.

Scientists have identified that the hormone DHEA and isoflavones can affect the cells in the prostate gland. Red clover is known for its rich content of isoflavones. Red clover is biologically known as Trifolium pretense.

According to a study conducted by Dr. Julia Arnold, intake of dietary isoflavones in a considerable amount will reduce the risk of cancer in prostate gland. Dr. Julia currently serves the National centre for complementary and Alternative medicine.

DHEA is a natural hormone produced by our body. DHEA makes hormonal effects on the prostate gland. It combines with stormal cells boosting the secretion of certain proteins.

Use of isoflavones prevent this antigen and thereby the growth of cancer cells. After a few tests, this supplement will be available for clinical trials.